The 1st Genuine Veterinary Monitor ONLY FOR Vet
The 1st Veterinary Monitor FOR small animals (cat and dog ) that fits best for small animal clinics

Oxygen saturation of 10 adult dogs weighing 5 to 25kgs were measured.
The average values were compared after measuring total 10 dogs every 10minutes for total 80 minutes.
Tissue oximeter (Standard value)

NIBP was measured from 10 adult dogs under anesthesia weighing 5 to 25kgs.
After measuring 5 times, without using the highest and the lowest values into calculation, the intermediate 3 values were chosen into calculation

How to attach accessories ECG
- The default setting of ECG Lead is Lead II.
- When using an ECG 5-lead cable, you need to set the Menu for a 5 lead ECG cable.
- Be certain the correct setting within the ECG configure-cable menu is chosen to match the cable you are using (3 or 5 lead).
If the wrong cable is chosen in the menu settings, the monitor will be unable to display any ECG information.

An anesthetized patient's blood pressure should be regularly monitored.

The Patient Monitor uses the oscillometric method to obtain systolic, diastolic, and mean non-invasive blood pressure measurements. Most text books advise maintaining systolic blood pressure (SAP) at or above 90 mmHg and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) above 70 mmHg. The trend of the MAP is usually the focus of concern.

It is recommended to take several readings over time. Discard the first and average the next 3 to 7 consecutive readings for the most acccurate report. It is important to keep the patient relaxed and still.

The owner may need to assist in calming the patient for best results.

Multiple measurements may be necessary to achieve accurate results if significant movement of the patient occurs while the measurements are being taken. Eliminate any outlier readings that will distort the average readings.

The chosen cuff size is crucial in obtaining accurate blood pressure measurements.

For dogs, the cuff width should be approximately 40% of the appendage circumference.

For cats the cuff width should be approximately 30% of the appendage circumference.

Cuffs that are too wide will lead to false low readings and cuffs that are too narrow will lead to false high readings.

Cuff location is also crucial in obtaining accurate blood pressure measurements.

The limb being cuffed should be at heart level in lateral or sternal recumbency (see illustration below).

For smaller animals, the cuff should be distal to the elbow on the forelimb or around the midmetatarsus distal to the stifle on the hind limb. The base of the tail can also be a valid position to measure blood pressure.

In larger animals, possible locations include the metacarpus, metatarsus, and distal tibia just above
- A patient's movement during measurement may cause inaccurate results.
- Do not use with any other respiration equipment. Choose the cuff type which is appropriate to the patient
- In the event a good blood pressure reading is not recorded on the initial cycle, the monitor will attempt a second reading. If this fails, the unit will revert to standby mode. Check the BP line and cuff condition as well as size and placement.
- Wrapping the cuff too tightly or too loosely on the measuring site may cause errors in the value.

For stable measurement, minimize patient movement.

If results are not available at all or are inaccurate, please check the following:
- Reposition the sensor or change to another part of the body to correct poor or inaccurate readings.
- Check if the sensor is properly placed.
- The sensor site should be clean and free of oils and lotions.